Sunday July 6, 2008

Long Point Bay, To Be Announced:  Blast off 7:00am Weigh In 3:30pm

$125.00 + $10 Big Fish  80% Cash Back

($25.00 deposit for advanced registration holds your position number)


Sunday Aug 10, 2008

 Rondeau Bay, Erieau Marina: Blast off 7:00am Weigh In 3:30pm

$125 + $10 Big Fish   80% Cash Back

($25.00 deposit for advanced registration holds your position number)


Sunday August 24, 2008

Mitchell’s Bay, Marina Park:  Blast off 7:00am Weigh In 3:30pm

$125 + $10 Big Fish 80% Cash Back

($25.00 deposit for advanced registration holds your position number)


Saturday Sept 13, 2008 and Sunday Sept 14, 2008

Sarnia Bay Marine

Invitational Classic

Must fish 2 of the 3 qualifiers to qualify for the Classic.





You may register early by sending a $25 deposit per qualifier along with your registration.  We will be available at the Marinas after 5:00pm to accept registrations the Saturday night before the tournament or you can register the morning of the tournament with cash.  

Please make cheques payable to TBBA for early registrations. 

For more information, contact

Dean or Cindy Franklin:  (519) 874-4635

Joe Williamson:  (519) 842-9465



Boundaries are the waters of Rondeau Bay.

(Fishing is permitted up to the inside of the break wall.  No lake fishing allowed.)



Boundaries are waters of Long Point Bay

(Nanticoke Chute to tip of sand bar at Lighthouse)



Boundaries are the waters of Lake St Clair.

(No USA waters allowed.  Fishing is permitted in the mouth of St Clair and the

mouth of Detroit River only.  No fishing in the Detroit or St Clair River)



TBBA Long Point Bay Tournament Registration Form (July 6/08):


Team member #1                                                                                                 Team Member #2

Name: ____________________________________                                   Name: _____________________________________

Address: __________________________________                                   Address: ___________________________________

City: ______________________________________                                  City: _______________________________________

Prov/State: ________________________________                                     Prov/State: _________________________________

Postal Code/Zip: ___________________________                                     Postal Code/Zip: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________________                                       Email: _____________________________________    

 Phone #: _________________________________                                      Phone #: ___________________________________

Signature: ________________________________                                      Signature: __________________________________

By signing this registration form, you are agreeing to all tournament rules and will not hold any tournament officials or the TBBA liable for any injuries or damages incurred during this tournament.


 Make cheques payable to: TBBA, c/o Cindy and Dean Franklin, Box 28, Vienna, On, N0J 1Z0



TBBA Rondeau Bay Tournament Registration Form (Aug 10/08):


Team member #1                                                                                                 Team Member #2

Name: ____________________________________                                   Name: _____________________________________

Address: __________________________________                                   Address: ___________________________________

City: ______________________________________                                  City: _______________________________________

Prov/State: ________________________________                                     Prov/State: _________________________________

Postal Code/Zip: ___________________________                                     Postal Code/Zip: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________________                                       Email: _____________________________________    

 Phone #: _________________________________                                      Phone #: ___________________________________

Signature: ________________________________                                      Signature: __________________________________

By signing this registration form, you are agreeing to all tournament rules and will not hold any tournament officials or the TBBA liable for any injuries or damages incurred during this tournament.


Make cheques payable to: TBBA, c/o Cindy and Dean Franklin, Box 28, Vienna, On, N0J 1Z0


TBBA Mitchell’s Bay Tournament Registration Form (Aug 24/08):


Team member #1                                                                                                 Team Member #2

Name: ____________________________________                                   Name: _____________________________________

Address: __________________________________                                   Address: ___________________________________

City: ______________________________________                                  City: _______________________________________

Prov/State: ________________________________                                     Prov/State: _________________________________

Postal Code/Zip: ___________________________                                     Postal Code/Zip: ____________________________

Email: ____________________________________                                       Email: _____________________________________    

 Phone #: _________________________________                                      Phone #: ___________________________________

Signature: ________________________________                                       Signature: __________________________________


By signing this registration form, you are agreeing to all tournament rules and will not hold any tournament officials or the TBBA liable for any injuries or damages incurred during this tournament.


Make cheques payable to: TBBA, c/o Cindy and Dean Franklin, Box 28, Vienna, On, N0J 1Z0